If I am right in my thinking how come fireworks night seems to last a week? Round our way they started with the fireworks on Sunday evening, then apart from a few kids setting them off on Monday and Tuesday it was fairly quiet. Fireworks night itself was a tad loud, and not only because of the fireworks! Everytime we had to let the dog out into the garden to answer a call of nature he would go nuts barking at the noise and flashy things up in the sky. They stopped going off eventually and then the children actually managed to get to sleep and the dog stopped making a racket. And as for my poor cats they have barely seen the outside world this week!
Thursday was ok..
But tonight its gone nuts again!! And no doubt the same will happen tommorrow!! Our poor dog will lose his voice at this rate, and I will have two shattered children by Sunday!!
I think I may have come up with a solution to this week long fireworks night problem. I have decided the firework manufacturers should fit timers to the fireworks, set so that they will only go off between 00.01 and 23.59 on the 5th Novermber!! Then maybe my dog's voice will be fine, we can remove the cork from his bottom, I can finally let the cats out and my children can get some sleep!!
I can't see it catching on though, mores the pity!!
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