05 November, 2008

I Hate.. Winter

As a whole, motorcyclists enjoy a few hours at the weekend working on our bikes out in the garage or garden, but now ITS TOO BLINKIN COLD!!!

His nibs is working on a streetfighter and I'm supposed to be rebuilding a 28 year old Kawasaki Z650 and short of bringing them into the house (yes we have done that before!) its way too cold out there to even think about working in an unheated garage!!

I hate winter and I definately hate being cold!!



Anonymous said...

Need any carbs for the Z650? My girlfriends old B1 ones are still in the loft, she got rid of it years ago and is now on a ZX10. She only got it to compete with my 04 blade ;-)

Let me know.

Anonymous said...

I hate to tell you but in the US they have garage heaters. ;o)

Raven said...

Well, it does help if you have that new-fangled electrickery stuff in the garage so you can run heaters and lights!!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe they don't have gas in GB yet??? That would explain it.

Raven said...

Re the carbs.. I do have a set, but how much did you want for the set in the loft?