28 October, 2008

I Am So Glad I Learned To Ride

I never did learn to drive a car, I'm a motorcycle lover deep in my heart but despite that I only learned to ride a year and a half ago. It was a *cough* birthday present to myself after being a pillion for more years than I care to remember.. And I can quite honestly say it was the best thing I have ever done.. (children excluded from that list of course)

The freedom this has given me is incredible, I no longer have to rely on being taken anywhere by anyone!!

If I fancy popping out I can, whenever I want to, even if it is just for a ride because the weather is nice and sunny.. and believe me you can't beat the feeling you get riding down the road on a lovely warm day.. its incredible and most of the time I have a smile on my face inside my crash helmet..

I so wish I had done this before, in fact years ago, now I realise exactly the fun and freedom I have been missing out on all these years..

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